Al-Noor Islamic School would not be the same without your support, and we would like to share opportunities with you to ensure the students’ positive learning experiences at Al-Noor. Please review the list to see if there is any activity that you would like to help out. Children love and enjoy having their own parent volunteers around.
We are planning to start newer activities in the school to engage parents and students likewise. There is ample opportunity for everyone to participate. Please let us know if you would like to help out in any other capacity that are not listed below:
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Group Organizer
Monthly Family Night Organizer
Field Trip Coordinator
School/Masjid Safety, Security and Fire prevention Program Organizer
Kitchen help (cooking and serving the lunch on every Sunday)
Student workshop & webinar Organizer
Annual Quiz Competition Startup between local Islamic School
Monthly Newsletter Editor and Publisher
Food Bank Assistance
Startup chapter of ICNA and Young Muslim
Family Counseling Support
Startup of Interfaith Program between local Faith base School
You can take a lead role on the above opportunities and build a team of volunteers or you can work within the team of your interest. Please let us know how you can help the school.